Tsavo National Park, Kenya

Tsavo National Park, Kenya – The animals of Tavo National Park are the main attraction in this park. Game viewing is the most enjoyable activity in which approximately 90% of park visitors engage. Not just an African safari, the Tasavo National Park Safari dream comes true after successful game drives that expose guests to some of the park’s biggest animals. Tavo National Park is one of Kenya’s national parks located in a busy area a few kilometers from the coast. The park is the largest national park in Kenya and therefore provides ample space for the animals in the park to thrive. It hosts a large number of animal species that are found in large numbers. The park is nicknamed the Wildlife Theater or Man Eater because of the record breaking zoo. 

The animals of Tavo National Park are permanent residents and this makes it possible for visitors to enjoy game viewing throughout the year. Travelers are free to plan their Tsavo National Park safari at any time of the year. Animals are found in large numbers in the park so can be easily seen at any time of the year. The park is dominated by small grasslands of savanna grass so that visitors can see the amazing activity of this game. As with some national parks in East Africa, such as Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, Kenya’s Maasai Mara, wildlife migration is popular. The two protected areas share ecosystems through which animals periodically pass through.

Tsavo National Park, Kenya

Tsavo National Park, Kenya

The park is home to a large number of animal species that are mostly divided into two groups, namely carnivores and herbivores. The park’s popularity is based on its carnivorous nature and hence it is sometimes called a man-eater. The park is home to a large number of carnivores (they live off animals or depend on meat) and all the big cats like tigers. Cheetah, cheetah, jaunty cat and more Other predators include hyena, jackal, African wild dog and more. Another division of the fauna of Tavo National Park consists of herbivores (these are animals that depend on grass) sometimes called grazers. It is the most dominant animal in the park accounting for more than 60% of the total animal species found in the park. Most are easily visible during your game drive at any time of day or year. Grazing includes giraffe, elephant, buffalo, gazelle, kobi, zebra, wildebeest, topis, eland, kudu and others.   

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The fauna of Tavo National Park includes the African Big Five, especially the king of the jugular, the park has a large population and the park has several prides of lions. The Lions dominate your game viewing experience. Other members of the African Big Five that are easily found in Tavu National Park are: elephant, cheetah, donkey and buffalo. During your Tavo National Park safari, you can expect to see the African Big Five especially if you use reputable local tour operators with good driver guides. Among Africa’s Big Five, leopards are always hard to find. They are very shy but dangerous animals in the big cat family. They like to hang around a lot in the treetops, if they walk they spread the grass layer so it becomes difficult to see.

Another group of animals in Tavo National Park are aquatic animals. The river that runs through the park is home to a large number of hippos and crocodiles. Visitors can enjoy watching large schools of hippos at the water pool. Hippos bask in the sun every day at midnight and sunset, which is when they start to come out of the water to graze. 

Guests also enjoy additional game viewing experiences by visiting neighboring ranches. This gives guests more opportunities to enjoy more animals in the park. Ranches are often good for visiting Rancho, which is just a continuation of Tavo National Park.

Due to favorable weather conditions, game viewing is done in this park throughout the year. Also, open savanna grasslands with short grasses allow for game play at any time of the year. National open tracks found in the park make it easy for travelers to enjoy close game viewing. The entire park is easily accessible, especially by four-wheelers. which make game viewing activities possible throughout the year.

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Where To Stay In Tsavo East Park In Kenya

Unlike bird hunting which is best done in the rainy season, game viewing is the opposite. It is best done during the dry season of the year with its peak in the month of July every year. If interested in both animals and birds, come during rainy season so you can kill two birds with one stone. During the rainy season, animals can also be spotted easily making your game drive shorter but more rewarding than the crowded dry season.

Apart from the fauna of Tavo National Park, the park is also home to more than 400 species of birds. Tsavo National Park offers a variety of options for guests to enjoy on their safari. A long list of birds is available for guests wishing to spend more days in the park.

When planning a better Tavo National Park animal sighting, it is important to have basic knowledge about the types of animals found in the park. Our comprehensive articles on attractions, activities, places and parks help travelers planning their first trip to Africa. This will help and guide you in what to expect from a Kenya safari, the type of animals in a particular national park and finally choosing a park based on the specific animals you want to see. Tavo West National Park: Located on the Nairobi-Mambasa highway and covering an area of ​​9,065 km west of Tavo. The national park is also known as “the land of lava, cannibals, waterfalls and magical suns” located in the Coastal Province of Kenya. Both Tavo East and Tavo West together form the magnificent Tavo National Park, named after the river that runs through Tavo East National Park. Tavo West National Park borders Tanzania in the south and is connected to Lake Zip. Tsavo West is home to a rich biodiversity of different animal and plant species. The park’s vegetation consists of savannah grasslands and forests and shrubs with acacia trees that shelter many species of wildlife, not to mention the rocky hills and the famous Mijima Falls and many unique tourist attractions in the park. would do

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Tsavo National Park, Kenya

Wildlife species are Tsavo West’s tourist attractions and range from a variety of mammals, bird species to Tsavo West Kenya safaris.

Tsavo National Park Safari In Kenya

Mammals: Tavo West National Park has a large number of mammals which are usually seen roaming the park during game viewing. Examples of mammals found in the Tsavo West include; Cow, elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, water hippo, giraffe, bush baby, hartebeest, cheetah, oryx, dik dik, kudus, baboon, hartebeest, giraffe, hyena, mongoose, impala etc.

Birds: Tavo West National Park is home to more than 600 species of birds, including flycatchers, red warblers, migratory birds, waterfowl, forest birds and other birds. Some of the most common birding spots in the park include lake ziplines that can be found during boat tours, river areas, springs, and hillsides within Tavo West.

Mijima Falls: One of the most interesting attractions in Tashiwo West National Park, Mijima Falls is a large pool that attracts many mammals to the pool in search of water. Mijima Springs has a large number of animals like hippos, crocodiles, elephants, buffaloes, gazelles and is home to fishing ponds. Mijima Springs also serves as a source of clean water from the Chalo Hills for the people of Mombasa. 

Roaring Rocks: Roaring Rocks are named after these brave rocks in Tavo West National Park that roar when the wind blows. A visit to these rocks gives a clear view of the land ahead.

Rhino Drinking From Waterhole In Tsavo National Park, Kenya

Volcanic Field: The physical features in Tavo West are a major reason why it is called a volcanic field. Some of the features of volcanoes include; Five Sisters Hill which forms 5 equal angular hills with a view.